Russia Apostille

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Federal Documents

A Federal Document is a term used to refer to Certificates issued by one of the Federal agencies in the United States and bear the federal Stamp. US apostille provides its customers with Apostille Certificates for all types of federal documents within 3 business days. US apostille offers its clients the lowest authentication cost for just $ 50.00 per single Apostille Certificate for use in Russia. 

Examples of Federal Agencies and Certificates

       The FDA

The FDA or  (Food and Drug Administration) is part of the United States Department of Health and Human Service and it is responsible for protecting the public health through regulating the rules that govern food safety, medical devices, cosmetics, animal food, tobacco products, and veterinary products. Here are examples of export certificate issued by the FDA:

  • Free Sale Certificate
  • Certificate of Pharmaceutical Products
  • Phytosanitary Certificate
  • Certificate to Foreign Government
  • Inspection Certificate
  • Sanitary Certificate
  • Certificate of Exportability
  • Non-Clinical Research Use Only Certificate
  • Specified Risk Materials of Bovine Origin Materials

      The USDA

    The USDA or (the United States Department of Agriculture is part of the federal government that is concerned with rules regulating agricultural products, Food, and animal health and products. One of its lead agencies is the APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Certificate). The APHIS is responsible for the execution of Poultry and meat inspection program. Here are some certificate issued by the USDA:
    • Plant Certificate
    • Animal Health Certificate 
    • Phytosanitary Certificate

      The USPTO

    The USPTO or (the US Patent and Trademark Office) is part of the United State Department of Commerce and it is responsible for the issuance of Patents and Trademarks.
    • Trademark Certificate
    • Patent Certificate

      The US Homeland Security

    The US Homeland Security is part of the Federal government that is concerned with immigration and naturalization certificates through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS).
    • Immigration Certificate
    • Naturalization Certificate

        The FBI

    The FBI or (the Federal Bureau of Investigation) is responsible for the issuance of the Criminal background and history records

    The FBI Criminal Background Documents

      The IRS

       The EPA

     The Social Security Administartion

US apostille obtains Apostille Certificates for use in Russia from the US Department of State in Washington DC. All Documents must be properly stamped by the federal stamp in order to be eligible for the authentication service.

           See Also:

Russia Federal Documents apostille
Russia Corporate Documents apostille